Category Archives: Just a though

Use quality face-to-face time for synergy, not for logorrhea

“Excellent post! Thanks Ewen.

Agile KM for me... and you?

How many meetings (even one on one) are spent to regurgitate something, to present ‘stuff’ of various relevance and quality, to eruct presentation upon presentation as if the audience needed to know everything ever written about the topic at hand…

Logorrhea - and it's only getting worse... (Credits: Scott Adam) Logorrhea – and it’s only getting worse… (Credits: Scott Adam)

How many events with an avalanche of information, and so little co-creation?

Hey, I’d get it if we were in 1983 and there was no other way to get that information. But in 2015, almost everyone has a phone that can provide all the information we need. Share if you care.

Death by Powerpoint (Credits: Tom Fishburne) Death by Powerpoint (Credits: Tom Fishburne)

This single-route approach to face-to-face is not only another (often not so) disguised attempt of inducing death by Powerpoint, but it is also: a completely missed opportunity to develop something new, an insult to our intelligence and capacity, a deliberate attempt at…

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Happy 2015! The year of the creative, intelligent, gentle, thoughtful and honest goat

Great resources that may stimulate your creativity, intelligence, thougtfulness, honesty etc.

Agile KM for me... and you?

Hello everyone!

Happy 2015!

Happy year of the goat!

Happy new year of the goat (Credits: Abejorro34 / FlickR) Happy new year of the goat (Credits: Abejorro34 / FlickR)

Though technically we’re not there yet, the Chinese zodiac hails the goat as an animal gifted with all the titled attributes above.

So for me this means I’ll try to impersonate as many of these qualities as I can on this blog in in my life. It will be another intense year at work I’m sure, and lots to cover on knowledge management, leadership, social learning, facilitation, coaching, collective intelligence, engagement and collaboration, tools approaches and practices, intelligence and emotions.

I don’t have a starting post to offer – though my next post is lined up and will unravel the ins and outs of collaboration killer app ‘Asana’ – but I want to leave you with a short list of some of the resources I’ve saved on my bookmark collection

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Bridging distant [informal] physical spaces

bridge informal physical spaces

Been a while since I posted something, and this one just kicked me in the b…   🙂

Just read a post from Julian Stodd about forming social learning communities, which really speaks to me as I really want to find a way to get colleagues together not only to share and grow and get better at what we do, but simply to connect in an informal way even if you’re far away.

I’m thinking about using existing technology, video conferencing/calling/chatting, to let people who work in separate physical spaces connect with each other in those “down” moments during the work day.

My initial thought that came to mind while reading Julian’s post was to put a few webcams throughout each others work spaces to let others see what’s going on everywhere as if you’re in the same space.

But then I thought “this is only one way… borderline voyeurism…”, right?

So how about we have monitors with webcams in places such as lunch or lounge spaces, where people go for downtime, where colleagues from afar can join you almost as if they were right there with you in the room… cool, no?

sheldonCrazier idea… Have you seen the Big Bang Theory’s episode where germofobe Sheldon sits in his bedroom while his “digital” persona is roaming around as a remote-control robotic rover with an iPad at the top through which he interacts to people?

Imagine you’d have a few of those in each location, that you could “highjack” and roam about the other space???

Just a thought…  🙂

How to Build and Moderate a thriving Social Learning Community: Part 1 – Forming

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

Social Learning happens within and alongside our communities: semi formal spaces where ‘sense making’ activities take place. Agile organisations create the right permissions and environments for these communities to thrive, remembering at every stage that they can nurture them, but not own the conversations. Inherently, Social Learning is a semi formal style.

The Lifecycle of a Social Learning Community We can view the lifecycle of a Social Learning Community in three stages. Our actions at each stage will differ.

We can nevertheless put a structure around the formation and management of these communities that may help organisations drive engagement, fulfil their social responsibility to safeguard participants and make them highly effective spaces.

Through a series of articles, i want to explore two of these elements in depth, around two core models: the first covers three stages in the lifecycle of the community, the second explores how and why intervene and moderate what is said. Taken together, it’s…

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